Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Surreal Request Hole Queue #1


So, for every few weeks or so, I will be making posts where I update you guys on the movies and TV shows that were suggested to me by you guys, and I'll also alert you guys about whenever I had reviewed a movie or TV show that was suggested by you guys.  Also, if there are any more weird movies and TV shows that you guys want me to review, then please feel free to comment down below and I'll add your suggestions to the Surreal Request Hole main page.  Also, if I find the movies and TV shows that you guys suggested to be really weird, then I will add them to the Weirdness Approved List!  So, be on the lookout for those crazy "Weirdness Approved" badges on any one of these reviews!



  • Akira (1988) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY 366 WEIRD MOVIES
  • Alice (1988) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY 366 WEIRD MOVIES
  • Allegro non Troppo (1976) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY 366 WEIRD MOVIES
  • Archive 81 (2022) (TV) REQUESTED BY SNAPDRAGON
  • The Beast of Yucca Flats (1961) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Die Hard Dracula (1998) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Dumplings (Korean Horror) (MOVIE) -  REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Face Like a Frog (1987) -  REQUESTED BY NOVA SOFTLOCK CIRCUS
  • Fantastic Planet (1973) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY 366 WEIRD MOVIES
  • JD's Revenge (1976) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Kingdom of Spiders (1977) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Malibu High (1979) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Paranoia Agent (2004) (TV) - REQUESTED BY NOVA SOFTLOCK CIRCUS
  • The Perfection (2018) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica (2011) (TV) - REQUESTED BY NOVA SOFTLOCK CIRCUS
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion (2013) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY NOVA SOFTLOCK CIRCUS
  • Raw Force (AKA Kung Fu Cannibals) (1982) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Reefer Madness (1936) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY DELL
  • Yellow Submarine (1968) (MOVIE) - REQUESTED BY 366 WEIRD MOVIES

[SHORTS REVIEW] Unedited Footage of a Bear (2014)



Title: Unedited Footage of a Bear

Genre: Horror / Surrealism / Fantasy / Drama

Company: Adult Swim

Directed by: Alan Resnick   

Year: 2014

MPAA Rating / TV Rating: TV MA

Buy on:  N/A

The short starts off with some cameramen filming a bear out in the wild.  But then suddenly, the short switches to a commercial called "Claridryl" and the commercial shows a woman named Donna taking the prescription drug and saying that her life has been better ever since she took Claridryl.  But then, the short starts to become a bit dark as Donna starts to see an evil version of herself out in the streets and her evil self tries to attack the real Donna.  Once Evil Donna leaves the real Donna in the streets, things take a dark turn once Evil Donna takes over Donna's life.

So, after I watched Too Many Cooks, I wanted to check out more of Adult Swim's Informercial series and man, was "Unedited Footage of a Bear" a wild ride!  Unlike "Too Many Cooks," "Unedited Footage of a Bear" doesn't have that much humor in the story, as the story is about a woman dealing with the side effects of the Claridryl drug and how it has a negative impact on her life.  What I really loved about this short was how the story switched from being about a bear to being about a woman dealing with a drug addiction.  This sudden switch in the story really made this short so interesting to watch and I was actually shocked by how dark this short got once Donna's hallucinations got worse as the short goes on.  This was also one of the weirdest shorts I've seen, besides "Too Many Cooks," as we, the audience, can't really tell what's real and what's not real as Donna starts hallucinating everything going on and we can't tell if the actions that she has committed throughout this short was really Evil Donna's doing or her own doing.  I also loved the fact that this short shows the realistic side effects of drug addiction (albeit in a weird way) as it's rare to see a short that parodies commercials tackle such a tough subject in such a creepy and effective way.

My main issue with this short was that it was pretty confusing.  I understand that this short is probably looking into Donna's madness as she becomes addicted to Claridryl.  But at times, I can't tell what's really going on with the story.  Like, is Evil Donna real or is she a figment of Donna's imagination and Donna was the one who was committing the horrible acts throughout this short?

Overall, "Unedited Footage of a Bear" is one of the most intriguing and dark shorts ever created by Adult Swim.  I would recommend this short film if you were a fan of "Too Many Cooks" and you want to watch another Adult Swim informercial that has a dark twist to the story.


Monday, March 24, 2025



Hey everyone!  So, I really need some help.  I've been trying to get a new laptop for a while now and recently, my current laptop had crashed, and I had to get it fixed.  For years now, I've been struggling in trying to find employment and I'm still trying to find a job.  Because of this, I don't have enough funding to get a new laptop.  I wanted to get a new laptop because my current laptop can't support the bigger games that I want to stream, and I want to be able to download specific programs that would help improve my content on both YouTube and on my blogs.

So, I had created a new goal on my Ko-Fi account that would help me get a new laptop and I have planned some special rewards for anyone who helped supported my laptop goal.  So, every time we get new tips to the goal, I will make a mini comic for each tip!  The overall goal is $2,000, but if we reach $200, then I will draw a special Thank You Doodle for everyone who supported the goal!  And as the progression of the goal goes on, I will be doing something special for each milestone!  Details about the rewards for each milestone will be revealed through each mini comic I put out.  If you want to check out my mini comics and how the goal is progressing, then follow me on both BlueSky and Ko-Fi to check on the updates on the goal!  

If you would like to help out with this goal, here are the links to the goal:

💙💙BLUESKY:  https://bsky.app/profile/rabbitearsblog.bsky.social

🌟🌟LAPTOP GOAL: https://ko-fi.com/rabbitearsblog/goal?g=0

And down below, here are the mini comics I made so far for this goal!

Sunday, March 23, 2025

The Sunday Watch (32): BAT OUT OF NORTH CAROLINA!


The Sunday Watch is a meme for bloggers in general where you talk about what movies and TV shows you have watched for the week.  This is like a weekly wrap up post where you discuss about your week with other bloggers, with discussions about movies, TV shows and shorts being the main attractions of these posts.  The goal of this meme is to discuss the various movies and TV shows that bloggers have watched with other bloggers and discuss our opinions on each movie and TV show being talked about.  If you haven't watched any movies or TV shows for the week, but you still want to participate in this meme, then you can talk about other things that don't deal with movies and TV shows, like video games, books or whatever personal thing happened in your life.  This meme is hosted every Sunday, but you can make these posts anytime of the week and also, if you participate in this meme, please link your Sunday Watch post in the links down below!


Hey everyone!  Long time no see!  So, it's been a while since I last posted here.  I've been so busy on YouTube and Twitch for the past few months, that I barely had time to post here.  But, that's not to say that I will stop posting here (NO WAY)!  I'll just be posting here whenever I can and I hope to be able to watch more weird movies and TV shows in the coming months.

Also, I'm currently in North Carolina and I'm having a blast there! I always enjoyed traveling to other states and I hope to be able to come to North Carolina a lot more often!



* Oh  man!  I can't believe that "Ranma 1/2" has officially gotten a new remake!  I've been watching this remake and so far, I'm really enjoying it!  It really captures the spirit of the original 1989 anime series and I can't wait to check out more from this series!

Strange Invaders: Created by Cordell Barker

💥Rambling Film had posted up a review on Asian Persuasion
💥366 Weird Movies had posted up a review on IT CAME FROM THE READER SUGGESTED QUEUE: THE COMING OF SIN (1978)
💥Rachel's Reviews had posted up a review on Snow White (2025)

Well, that's the Sunday Watch for today and I will have more news for the various movies and TV shows that I've seen in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, March 23, 2025



Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Sunday Watch (31): HAPPY WEIRD NEW YEAR!


The Sunday Watch is a meme for bloggers in general where you talk about what movies and TV shows you have watched for the week.  This is like a weekly wrap up post where you discuss about your week with other bloggers, with discussions about movies, TV shows and shorts being the main attractions of these posts.  The goal of this meme is to discuss the various movies and TV shows that bloggers have watched with other bloggers and discuss our opinions on each movie and TV show being talked about.  If you haven't watched any movies or TV shows for the week, but you still want to participate in this meme, then you can talk about other things that don't deal with movies and TV shows, like video games, books or whatever personal thing happened in your life.  This meme is hosted every Sunday, but you can make these posts anytime of the week and also, if you participate in this meme, please link your Sunday Watch post in the links down below!


Hey everyone!  HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! I can't believe that it's already 2025!  That means that it's time to make some New Years Resolutions for myself and I'm hoping to complete these resolutions this year!  So this year, I'm going to try to find a job since I was struggling financially in 2024 and I want to get in a place where I can pay my bills much more easily.


* YASSS!! My last movie of 2024 and it was well worth the watch!  I just loved the fact that "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" was very faithful to the games and I especially loved the emotional moments in this movie, especially with Shadow the Hedgehog!  Can't wait to see what's in store for this franchise in the future!


* Oh  man!  I can't believe that "Ranma 1/2" has officially gotten a new remake!  I've been watching this remake and so far, I'm really enjoying it!  It really captures the spirit of the original 1989 anime series and I can't wait to check out more from this series!

💥366 Weird Movies had posted up a review on IT CAME FROM THE READER-SUGGESTED QUEUE: GOODBYE, 20TH CENTURY! (1998)
💥Fast Film Reviews had posted up a review on Nosferatu

Well, that's the Sunday Watch for today and I will have more news for the various movies and TV shows that I've seen in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, January 5, 2025

