Tuesday, July 11, 2023

50 Movie TAG Questions


Hey everyone!  Man, it's been awhile since I last did a tag post.  So, I found this movie tag over at Movie and Television Blog and I wanted to give it a shot!  So, here are 50 questions relating to movies and I'll answer each question the best I can!

1. How often do you watch a movie ?

I tend to watch movies almost every week!

2. What movie genre are you particularly fond of ?

I mostly watch a lot of fantasy, action, romance and horror films.

3. What was the last movie you watched and liked ?

Unicorn Wars!  I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and I loved how dark and emotional this movie really was!

4. What was the last movie you watched and hated?

The Drop.  I wasn't a huge fan of this movie as most of the characters were very unlikable.

5. What is your fave movie of all time? 

The Lion King (the original 1994 movie, that is)!  This animated film was a pure masterpiece for me and it was one that I constantly watched as a kid.

6. Your fave guilty pleasure movie ?

Tom and Jerry: The Movie (the original 1992 animated film). Yeah, I know not a lot of Tom and Jerry fans liked this movie, but compared to the live action movie that was just released, this one was much better in my opinion.

7. What movie have you watched a million times already ?

The Nightmare Before Christmas. Even though I tend to watch this movie every October, this is still a film I watch frequently whenever I get the chance to!

8. Are you the type who watches a movie on its first day of showing? 

Sometimes. It really depends on whether or not I can get to the movie theater at all for the movies.

9. Do you use fandango or prebook movie tickets?

I tend to use Fandango for movie tickets.

10. Movie House, Bluray or download ?

I mostly been buying Blu-rays of all the movies that I'm interested in buying.

11. How often do you go to the cinema to watch a movie ?

Rarely.  I don't have enough money to watch a movie in theaters constantly.

12. What are the movies that made you cry ?

Both the Lion King and Titanic made me cry, because some really important characters ended up dying in both films!

13. Do you watch foreign films? 

Occasionally, whenever I'm able to check any out. Although I rarely do watch them because I have a hard time trying to read the subtitles, while watching the movie at the same time.

14. What are your favourite foreign films? 

I loved watching Unicorn Wars, Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke.  Both Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke were made in Japan and Unicorn Wars was a French / Spanish animated film.

15. Who are your favourite directors? 

My favorite directors are Steven Spielberg and Tim Burton.

16. Are you particular with movie scores / soundtracks / music ?

Yes, I'm very interested in movie scores and soundtracks. I actually listen to a lot of them on YouTube whenever I have the time to.

17. What movie soundtracks can be found in your I pod? 

I don't have an Ipod, so I can't really answer this question.

18. Have you ever watched a movie alone in the cinema ?

No, I never watched a movie alone. I usually go out to the movies with my family.

19. Is there any movie that’s changed your perspective on life ?

Both The Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice had helped me embrace being creative in my projects and learning how to love myself for who I am.

20. Your favourite comic book movie ?

The Dark Knight. I'm a huge Batman fan and this movie is probably the best superhero movie I have ever seen!

21. DC or Marvel movies ?

I personally love Marvel movies more since they have some of my favorite comic book characters like the X-Men and Spider-Man.

22. What are the movies in the top 10 in IMDB that you’ve watched ?

I've seen The Dark Knight, The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Pulp Fiction and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

23. Do you read movie critic reviews before watching a film ?

No. I tend to watch the movies anyway, without reading what a critic thinks first.

24. What’s the best movie adapted from a book ?

Shrek.  This movie was based off a children's book and I honestly think this movie was way better than the book.

25Do you watch the movie before reading the book or vice versa ?

It depends on what I picked up first, but I tend to read the book first before watching the movie.

26. What is your favourite comedy movie? 

Disney's Aladdin (the original 1992 animated movie).  I remembered growing up with this movie as a kid and remembering just how funny this movie was!  Also, the late Robin Williams was in this movie, so that was a definite plus for me!

27Favourite drama movie ?

9.  This may seem like an unusual choice since it's mostly sci-fi horror, but there are some dramatic moments in this film and it's a film that I really enjoyed watching! 

28Favourite western movie ?

I don't watch western movies.

29. Fave romantic comedy

Stardust.  Oh my goodness!  I used to watch this movie all the time and I just loved the romantic leads in this film and how comedic this film was!

30. Fave horror? 

The Shining.  This is my all-time favorite horror movie and Jack Nicholson was fantastic as the main character!  I also loved how atmospheric and horrifying this movie really was!

31. Fave sports movie ?

I don't watch a lot of sports movies.

32. Fave Sci fi ?

WALL-E.  This is such an adorable and interesting movie about robots that I just love so much!

33. Action movies?

The Matrix.  I just loved the cyber world and the awesome moves that Neo is able to do in the movie!

34. War movies?

I don't watch war movies.

35. Who is your favourite movie couple?

Jack and Rose from Titanic.  I just love their interactions with each other and they are the perfect example of a lovely couple who are from different social classes.

36. Any movie character you can relate to ?

I actually relate to Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice the most.  I'm also into strange things and I'm also interested in some spooky stuff!

37. If you were only to watch five movies for the rest of your life what would they be ?

The Lion King (1994)

The Nightmare Before Christmas

The Shining

Get Out

Return to Oz

38. Your least favourite movie of all time ?

The Cat in the Hat.  That movie destroyed everything that I loved about the Cat in the Hat.

39. Have you ever watched a movie based on the lead actor / actress only?

Sometimes.  I remembered I used to watch a lot of movies that had Robin Williams in the lead role.

40. What movie you expected and wanted to be good but failed you ?

The Cat in the Hat, once again.  After watching Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas, I thought that I would enjoy this movie as much as I did for the Grinch.  But unfortunately, that wasn't the case with the Cat in the Hat.

41. Favourite movie character of all time?

Jack Skellington!  He is such a charismatic and awesome character and he's a SKELETON!

42. Favourite movie villain?

Judge Claude Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.  Not only is Frollo my all-time favorite Disney villain, but he's definitely my all-time favorite movie villain due to how cold and calculating he is!

43. Any movie sequel you’re still waiting to see?

There's a lot of movie sequels out there that I want to see, but I'm definitely looking forward to Sonic the Hedgehog 3 coming out in 2024!

44. Ever made a movie review ?

I've been reviewing movies ever since 2010!

45. Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Trek since I watched that more than Star Wars.

46. Right now think of any movie. What comes first?


47. Favourite movie lines ?

48. TV series, books, computer games or movies in order of interest?

Books, movies, TV series and Computer games.

49. Lastly if your life story was to be made into a movie, who would you like to portray you? Who should be directing it and what would be the title ?

That's a tough question....not sure how to answer that.

50. I tag…

Maniacs and Monsters

Realweegiemidget Reviews

Taking Up Room

And anyone else who wants to participate!

Sunday, July 9, 2023

The Sunday Watch (13): WEEK AFTER A BARBECUE!


The Sunday Watch is a meme for bloggers in general where you talk about what movies and TV shows you have watched for the week.  This is like a weekly wrap up post where you discuss about your week with other bloggers, with discussions about movies, TV shows and shorts being the main attractions of these posts.  The goal of this meme is to discuss the various movies and TV shows that bloggers have watched with other bloggers and discuss our opinions on each movie and TV show being talked about.  If you haven't watched any movies or TV shows for the week, but you still want to participate in this meme, then you can talk about other things that don't deal with movies and TV shows, like video games, books or whatever personal thing happened in your life.  This meme is hosted every Sunday, but you can make these posts anytime of the week and also, if you participate in this meme, please link your Sunday Watch post in the links down below!


Hey everyone!  Sorry I haven't made a Sunday Watch post last week.  I had a pretty busy week last week as I was doing a 10 hour donothon on Twitch, which took up a lot of my time and I'm still trying to get used to posting up YouTube videos every week.  But don't worry, everything is going well and I'm starting to get the hang of my new schedule!  Meanwhile, last week was the fourth of July and me and my family had a nice barbecue to celebrate the special occasion!  Everything was delicious and we had some potato salad, ribs, burgers and hot dogs!




Shrek Painting by EbbFloStudio

💥Fast Film Reviews is on talkSPORT Radio
💥Rambling Film had posted up a review on Asteroid City
💥Movie Reviews 101 had posted up King Charles III – Release News

Well, that's the Sunday Watch for today and I will have more news for the various movies and TV shows that I've seen in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, July 9, 2023

