About Me!


Hi!  I'm Ronyell!

I am the PROUD owner of this movie blog!  I have been blogging on here since 2014 and I've been looking for more new weird movies to review on this blog!  I have always loved anything that was weird, whether it be plastic skulls or watching weird movies and TV shows in general.  So, I decided to create a blog where I talk about everything that is weird and hoping to find other bloggers who love weird movies and TV shows like I do!  If there are any weird movies or TV shows that you think I should check out, then please, always give a me holler!

Other than watching weird movies and TV shows, I have some other hobbies that I'm interested in:

1. I love watching movies and TV shows, especially anything dealing with animation, fantasy, science fiction and horror.

2. I love to exercise (whenever I get the time to).  There's nothing like feeling energized during the day!

3. I love listening to music!  Music is one of the best things to ever have in my life (besides books)!

4. My favorite drinks are coffee and tea (I mean seriously, they are the best drinks to have whenever I'm reading)!

5. My favorite holidays are Christmas and Halloween!

6. I love to travel to different places!  Someday, I would love to travel across the world just to see all the different cultures of this world.

7.  I love weird things like plastic skulls and weird movies and TV shows in general.  They are probably the most interesting things ever!

Contact Me!

Hey!  If you guys want to chat with me or contact me about guest posts, then check me out at these social media links:

Want to reach me on a personal level?  Then here's my email:  Nickelodeon43@hotmail.com

Support this Blog!

Hey!  So, yeah it takes a lot of work to keep up the funding to buy movies and TV shows to review for this blog.  So, if you want to help out a fellow movie blogger get more movies to review for this blog, then you can support me at these sites:

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