The Sunday Watch is a meme for bloggers in general where you talk about what movies and TV shows you have watched for the week. This is like a weekly wrap up post where you discuss about your week with other bloggers, with discussions about movies, TV shows and shorts being the main attractions of these posts. The goal of this meme is to discuss the various movies and TV shows that bloggers have watched with other bloggers and discuss our opinions on each movie and TV show being talked about. If you haven't watched any movies or TV shows for the week, but you still want to participate in this meme, then you can talk about other things that don't deal with movies and TV shows, like video games, books or whatever personal thing happened in your life. This meme is hosted every Sunday, but you can make these posts anytime of the week and also, if you participate in this meme, please link your Sunday Watch post in the links down below!
Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around for awhile. I've been very busy these last few months and I didn't have the time to make lots of Sunday Watch posts. Well, I'm back and I had a lovely Mother's Day! We took my mom to Chipotles and it was delicious! I always loved eating at Chipotles!