Saturday, March 9, 2019

Surreal Discussions #5: What other weird movies and TV shows should I check out next?

Hey everyone! Welcome to another Surreal Discussions!

Today's Surreal Discussions is about what weird movies and TV shows should I watch next?

Seriously! There are so many surreal movies and TV shows out there that I wanted to see, but I just don't know what other kinds of weird movies and TV shows I should check out next!

I had actually checked out websites like 366 Weird Movies where there is a list of weird movies to check out and I had actually added some of those movies to the list of movies that I'm planning on reviewing down the line.  But, I wanted to hear from you guys about what weird movies and TV shows I should check out! 

Please list some of your favorite weird movies and TV shows down below!


  1. I haven't had a chance to watch Black Mirror yet, but I've heard that's a pretty bizarre show. It's on Netflix. :)

    1. Cool! I've been hearing lots of things about that series too! I need to watch that series as soon as possible!
