Sunday, June 16, 2019

The Sunday Post Meme (14)

Hey everybody! I am participating in a book meme called the Sunday Post which is being hosted by Kimba theCaffeinated Book Reviewer! The goal of this meme is to share news you have on various books and things you've read or received and also talk about what is coming up for your blog!  Movie hauls can include LIBRARY BOOKS, yard sale finds, arcs and bought movies and you can share these finds with other movie bloggers!

HAPPY FATHER'S DAY EVERYONE!!  I got my gifts for my Dad all ready to go!  I'm planning on giving him the new Jumanji movie with the Rock in it, so let's see how that movie turns out!  Meanwhile, I have been out job searching and I got a call from one of the employers to have a job interview!  Fingers crossed that I get this job!

Movie / TV Show Reviews:



* I was interested in checking this movie out because I've been seeing so many trailers about this movie and well, Bruce Willis was in this movie!  I never expected this movie to be so BRUTAL and yet, I still enjoyed it! It was quite action-packed and gruesome!


* Wow!  I never would have expected to enjoy this movie like I did!  I absolutely loved the first "Men in Black" movie and I found myself really enjoying this movie!  So action-packed and hilarious at the same time!

Well, that's the Sunday News for today and I will have more news for the various movies and TV shows I've seen in the near future!

Posted on Sunday, June 16, 2019.

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