Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Weird Images from Weird Movies and TV #4: James and the Giant Peach

Hello everyone!  Welcome to "Weird Images from Weird Movies and TV!"  Here, I showcase some of the weirdest images I have ever seen in the movies and TV shows that I have watched over the years!  There are always images in movies and TV shows that stands out the most to viewers and I'm going to showcase some weird images that really stayed with me and showed me just how weird this movie or TV series can really get!

This week's movie is:

"James and the Giant Peach" is another bizarre animated film that I had discovered in the 1990s and man, were there a lot of weird images in this movie!  So, here are some of the weirdest images I had seen in this movie!

Here is James and his bug friends!  Is there anything weirder than seeing giant sized bugs?

The moment I saw the giant peach in the film, it had gone through so many situations that a peach shouldn't go through like being carried by a flock of birds and floating out in the ocean.  Oh, and it's a GIANT peach!

This was the stuff  of nightmares for me when I was little.  I was wondering to myself about what the heck is a mechanical shark that shows up out of nowhere in the ocean doing in this movie?

Wow! One of the antagonists in this film was a rhino that is actually a cloud!  You know, a CLOUD RHINO!!!  Who would have thought that a cloud would look so terrifying yet strange at the same time!


I honestly had a hard time deciding what was the weirdest image in this movie.  It was between the Cloud Rhino and James' Nightmare Scene.  So, I decided to choose James' Nightmare Scene for the weirdest image in this movie since it involves James becoming a caterpillar in his dream.

The second part of James' nightmare is seeing bizarre versions of his evil aunts trying to kill him with pesticide.  The animation in this scene is very different from the rest of the film as it reminds me of a more nightmarish version of the animations in "Monty Python's Flying Circus."

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